Turn 4 dollar in to Residual income

National Stock Exchange is one of the two major platforms for trading of securities in India. It is located in Bombay. It was founded in the year 1992. It is registered under the Securities Contract Act. The Nifty is the benchmark in this stock exchange. In 1994 the exchange started dealing in equities in the month of November. In 2000 the exchange started dealing with derivatives. Earlier there used to be physical trading but as of now almost everything is done electronically. Satellite Communication is used to conduct all the transactions.

This exchange deals in equities, securities, currency futures, futures and options etc. The average daily turnover of this exchange is near about one thousand billion Indian rupees. The total number of companies listed in N S E is 50. The market capitalization of this exchange is about 1500 billion US Dollars.

At present all operations take place through V S A T technology. It employs thousands of people directly and millions of people indirectly. The exchange opens at 9.15 am daily and closes at 3.30 pm daily. It is the backbone of Indian economy. NYSE has also become a minute but partial stakeholder in N S E.

Today N S E uses cutting age technology. It has near about 2500 V S A T S and more than 3000 leased lines across the country. Its telecommunication network is one of the strongest and best in the world. For back office operations, very powerful U N I X processors are used. These have been procured from H P. Thus today's N S E is a cutting age platform for trading and is the backbone of our Indian economy.

Suddhadeb Chakraborti.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suddhadeb_Chakraborti

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